jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013


IL CORNETTO D'ORO (Via San Leonardo, 120) 

"Il Cornetto D'Oro" es el llamado laboratorio de Salerno al que van todos los jovenes despues de salir de fiesta y de pegarse una buena borrachera. Il Cornetto D'Oro esta abierto todas las noches, a cualquier hora, y puedes encontrar cualquier tipo de croissants: el normal, con chocolate, con chocolate blanco, con crema, de pistacho, ...Mi favorito es el "Pinguino" que lleva chocolate negro y blanco.
Estos croissants no tienen ni punto de comparacion con los croissants de Espania! Estan deliciosos!! Te sugiero que compres tu croissant, vayas a casa, te prepares leche caliente... y entonces si! ya puedes empezar a comer!!! No te olvides de baniarlos con leche!! 

"Il Cornetto D'Oro" is a Laboratory of homemade pastry, which is open all the night. 
The most people drive to this Laboratory after doing party to eat a delicious homemade and warm croissant. Here you can find all types of croissants: the normal one, with chocolate, with white chocolate, with cream, with pistachio,... 
My favorite one is called "Pinguino", which has black and white chocolate inside. 
The best thing you can do, is to buy it and go home to eat them with hot milk........ AMAZING!

Il Cornetto D'Oro

Il Cornetto D'Oro

The Laboratory

Homemade pastry


miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013



You can not forget to walk around the Amalfi Coast. 
The Amalfi Coast is a popular tourist destination for the region and Italy as a whole, attracting thousands of turists annually. The only land route to the Amalfi Coast is the 40 km long "Strada Statale 163", which runs along the coastline from town of "Vietri sul Mare" in the east to "Positano" in the west. Thirteen municipalities are located on the Amalfi Coast, many of them centered around tourism. The road is a path full of curves and besides, there is just one lane. So I recommend doing this tour on a motorbike to avoid traffic!
The most famous village is "Positano". This city featured prominently in scenes of the film "Under the Tuscan Sun".  
This time I ran out of time, so I couldn't visit "Positano", but the ones who get the chance and the time to visit it, don't miss it!!!!
Luckily I was able to visit "Cetara", which is characterized to be a village of fishermans, especially of tuna. It has the typical sights you see in Italian movies: all houses piled on a cliff with a view of the sea.
Along this road, in a curve, there is a small cliff of rocks. It is the perfect place to stop for a little while:
"All you have to do is put on helmets, throw you to the ground, and listen to the CD of your life. Song after song, you can not skip any, all have passed, and in one way or another serve to go ahead. Do not regret, do not judge yourself, be who you are. And there is nothing better for the world. Pause, rewind, play, and more and more. Never stop the music, do not forget to find sounds to explain the chaos within you.
And if you get a tear when you hear it, do not be afraid, it's like tears from a fan when he hears his favourite song." - 3 Steps Above Heaven.

Thirteen municipalities

The Road




Cliff of rocks

Cliff of rocks

Vietri sul mare

Vietri sul mare

Vietri sul mare

Vietri sul mare

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013


BAR NETTUNO (Lungomare Trieste, 136)

The first thing you have to do, is to taste the "brioche con gelato" in the BAR NETTUNO. It is one of the best desserts I have ever eaten. And I still wonder why it only exists in the South of Italy...

The dessert does not have any big secret. They take the brioche with cream on the top, divide it into two halves (like a sandwich!) and put ice cream inside.. <3
BAR NETTUNO is direct on the "Lungomare Trieste", one of the best seas in Italy. So the perfect plan is to buy the "brioche con gelato" and to take a walk along the "Lungomare Trieste", so you can enjoy your "brioche con gelato" while you enjoy the sun as well. 

Bar Nettuno (Lungomare Trieste, 136)

Bar Nettuno (Lungomare Trieste, 136)

brioche con gelato

Lungomare Trieste

Lungomare Trieste

Lungomare Trieste

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013


Salerno is a city located in the region "Campania" (south-western Italy).
The best time to visit it is on summer, because of the sea views. 

miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2013


I will begin with one of my favorite countries, ITALY.
I have been living there for one year, and not only the food was what showed me the beauty of this country, but the wonderful sights as well. 
Every region has its own charm and there is a lot of differences between the North and the South, so you have to visit both of them to appreciate peoples different mentality, according to their area of residence. 
Italy is divided in 20 regions. Every region has its own dialect and sometimes the difference is so big, that, even between them, italians can not fully understand each other if they are from different regions. 
One example: "Neapolitan". Even if you speak perfect italian, you will never understand its dialect. Obviously neapolitan people can speak italian, but it was weird, to think about the fact, that people living in Italy can talk in a way, that even the other italians from different countries can not understand. 

sábado, 12 de octubre de 2013

Why " TravelEverStylish "?

Hola a todos! 
Estoy segura de que gracias al nombre "TravelEverStylish" ya sabeis de que voy a hablar en mis proximas publicaciones... de todas maneras queria aclarar la razon por la cual he decidido empezar a escribir. 
Soy una chica sencilla que nacio para viajar. Me encanta descubrir nuevos lugares, conocer nueva gente, nuevas culturas, nuevas sensaciones, nuevos gustos y lo que es mas importante: Me encanta recordar cada momento vivido de mis viajes. 
Por eso es que he decidido empezar a escribir mi blog: Para coleccionar pequenias partes de algunos de los momentos de felicidad en las tantas ciudades que he visitado y que visitaré. 
Asi que espero que disfruteis leyendo y que cada una de mis publicaciones os sirva como guia para vuestros futuros viajes!

Hello everyone!
I'm sure the name of the blog has given you an idea about what I will talk about in my next publications, but, anyway, I want to make clear why I am writing this blog.
I'm a girl who was born to travel. I love to discover new places, getting to know new people, new cultures, new sensations, new flavors and the most important, remembering every moment of my trip.
That is why I decided to begin writing on this blog. To collect a few of all moments lived in every visited city. And in addition, it is a great method to guide your next trip!
So I hope you enjoy seeing this blog, and moreover, for you to take this blog as a little travel guide.