miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2013


I will begin with one of my favorite countries, ITALY.
I have been living there for one year, and not only the food was what showed me the beauty of this country, but the wonderful sights as well. 
Every region has its own charm and there is a lot of differences between the North and the South, so you have to visit both of them to appreciate peoples different mentality, according to their area of residence. 
Italy is divided in 20 regions. Every region has its own dialect and sometimes the difference is so big, that, even between them, italians can not fully understand each other if they are from different regions. 
One example: "Neapolitan". Even if you speak perfect italian, you will never understand its dialect. Obviously neapolitan people can speak italian, but it was weird, to think about the fact, that people living in Italy can talk in a way, that even the other italians from different countries can not understand. 

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