domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013


BAR NETTUNO (Lungomare Trieste, 136)

The first thing you have to do, is to taste the "brioche con gelato" in the BAR NETTUNO. It is one of the best desserts I have ever eaten. And I still wonder why it only exists in the South of Italy...

The dessert does not have any big secret. They take the brioche with cream on the top, divide it into two halves (like a sandwich!) and put ice cream inside.. <3
BAR NETTUNO is direct on the "Lungomare Trieste", one of the best seas in Italy. So the perfect plan is to buy the "brioche con gelato" and to take a walk along the "Lungomare Trieste", so you can enjoy your "brioche con gelato" while you enjoy the sun as well. 

Bar Nettuno (Lungomare Trieste, 136)

Bar Nettuno (Lungomare Trieste, 136)

brioche con gelato

Lungomare Trieste

Lungomare Trieste

Lungomare Trieste

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